Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Why Are People So Depressed

Mood Disorders Serious Depression And Suicides Skyrocket In 12

This could be why you’re depressed or anxious | Johann Hari

Adolescence is natures own psychosis, a psychiatrist who specializes in treating that population told me when my own teenager was driving me crazy with the particular tactic guaranteed to push most parents buttonswithdrawal. Most kids grow out of it. Others never do,” he added.

That was 40 years ago, before the rise in mood disorder and suicide-related outcomes that began with those born in the early 1980s and continued to increase through the cohort born in the late 90s, or “iGen,” as its been labeled by Jean Twenge.

Twenge is a research psychologist who examines young adulthood and has published widely on attitudes and behaviors in this life stage. She and her colleagues analyzed data from the National Survey on Drug Use, citing alarming statisticsa 71 percent increase in serious psychological distress in young adults from 2008 to 2017, and a 52 percent increase among adolescents aged 12 to 17. Mood disorders and suicide-related outcomes show no such trends among adults 26 and over, which suggests a generational shift in these disorders and outcomes rather than an overall increase across all ages.*

Early Trauma And Abuse

One of the more well-studied depression risk factors is trauma in early childhood. Adverse Childhood Experiences are known to increase a persons lifetime risk of developing both mental and chronic physical illness, including depression. Research into ACEs is ongoing, but previous studies have confirmed a strong link between specific childhood experiences and depression later in life.

The CDC groups ACEs into three types:

  • Abuse: Physical, emotional, sexual
  • Household dysfunction: Domestic violence, divorce, substance use, a parent who is mentally ill, a parent who is incarcerated
  • Neglect: Physical, emotional

An individuals ACE score is strongly linked to their risk of mental and physical illness, poverty, and even early death. Risk increases as the number of ACEs increases and a person with four or more ACEs is at the highest risk.

Researchers believe that child abuse may change the brain physically, as well as alter its connectivity structure. Studies have also shown that neuroendocrine function may be altered in people who experienced high levels of stress as children.

A 2019 study from the Massachusetts General Hospital has even proposed that traumatic experiences in the first three years of life may even change a child’s DNA.

Changes After Giving Birth

After having a baby, it’s common for new moms to experience feelings of sadness and anxiety this emotional response is often referred to as the baby blues. But in more serious cases, these feelings last longer than a few days and may be a form of depression called postpartum depression.

Studies estimate that postpartum depression affects 10%15% of new mothers, but Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, a psychologist and lactation consultant who specializes in postpartum depression, previously told Health it may actually be as high as 25%.

Also Check: Effects Of Depression On Pregnancy

Alcohol Tobacco And Other Drugs

The misuse and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, and prescription medications affect the health and well-being of millions of Americans. SAMHSAs 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that approximately 19.3 million people aged 18 or older had a substance use disorder in the past year.

Understanding A Loved Ones Depression

Top reasons why people with anxiety and depression avoid seeking help

If someone you care about is dealing with depression, you may not be sure how to support them. If your attempts to help are rejected or dont seem to do any good, you may become frustrated and impatient.

If you feel tempted to tell someone who is depressed to try harder or just snap out of it, it may be a sign that you are overwhelmed or experiencing burnout. If this happens, its important that you pause and take time to reflect on your own feelings. You wont be able to help someone else until you have taken care of your own emotional needs.

When youre worried about a person you care about, the feelings of fear you have may come across as anger when youre talking to them. Even if you aren’t mad or speaking in anger, depression can make it harder for a person to really hear what you are saying. They may interpret your words as being dismissive, accusatory, disappointed, or any number of emotions that arent necessarily accurate.

When youre speaking to your loved one with depression, keep this in mind if it seems like your conversations are full of miscommunication. Although you may want to remind them of all the good things in life or point out that it could be worse, platitudes such as these arent usually helpful for a person with depression to hear.

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Mental Health Crisis: How Can I Help A Friend Or Family Member

Everyone has bad days when sadness, lack of motivation or worry get the best of them, especially in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

But, Vannorsdall points out, there are warning signs of anxiety and depression that should never be ignored:

  • Talk of self-harm
  • Giving away personal items
  • Inability to perform ones normal daily activities

If you notice these in someone you know, it may be time to speak up. Vannorsdall says its not always easy, but she has some suggestions.

Its often challenging to know how to intervene in a way that a person might be open to, and theres no one size fits all, she says. But sometimes you can appeal to a struggling person in terms of that one aspect of their life that they really value, such as their children, their family, their work, or something else they feel is worth getting better for.

We often need to help reframe peoples conception of mental illness and health treatment, she says. People can remind themselves or their loved ones that the mind and body cant be considered separate entities. There is an underlying biology to emotional distress. A person isnt weak for having a mental health problem, and deserve relief as they would for any physical pain.

Do I Need Health Insurance To Receive This Service

The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.

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Reasons Why Depression Is So Prevalent

Depression can affect anyone, regardless of their age, race, or economic condition. Although depression is prevalent, especially in teenagers, some people experience depression, and some do not. Unlike what most people think, people dealing with depression do not always move around looking gloomy or shed tears at the slightest provocation. defines depression as a lack of interest in vital aspects of life. Depression is categorized as a mood disorder and often described as emotions of loss, anger, or sadness that can be disruptive to someones routine activities.

It is also fairly common. Estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 8.1 percent of adults in the United States, ages 20 and above, experienced depression for an average 2-week duration between 2013 and 2016. People experience depression in different ways. The symptoms may include binge eating or eating little, sleeping too much or too little, withdrawing from people and routine activities, feeling numb and uncaring, having little or no energy, forgetfulness, feeling strangely confused, on edge, upset, anxious or scared, and thoughts of self-harm.

How Is Depression Treated

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Depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders. Between 80% and 90% percent of people with depression eventually respond well to treatment. Almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms.

Before a diagnosis or treatment, a health professional should conduct a thorough diagnostic evaluation, including an interview and a physical examination. In some cases, a blood test might be done to make sure the depression is not due to a medical condition like a thyroid problem or a vitamin deficiency . The evaluation will identify specific symptoms and explore medical and family histories as well as cultural and environmental factors with the goal of arriving at a diagnosis and planning a course of action.

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Causes And Treatments Of Depression

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Depression can have many causes, all of which are complex and can be difficult to understand. In some cases, feelings of depression can be clearly connected to an experience in someones life, such as a tragic loss or a violent event. Other people may be aware they have a family history of mental illness and, as a result, may not be caught off guard by a diagnosis of depression.

However, some people become depressed and dont know why. They may feel they do not have a reason to be depressedespecially if they perceive their life as being good or easy compared to others.

The pressure to explain or justify how they feel can make depression worse and may prevent people from getting necessary treatment.

Depression Grows In Us And Pharmaceuticals Aren’t The Answerare Hallucinogens

Posted September 14, 2017

Time announces:

Americans are more depressed than ever, and getting more so: From 2011-2014, 13 percent of Americans 12 and older took an antidepressant up from 11 percent in 2005-2008 and 8 percent in 1999-2002.

Many Americans don’t respond to antidepressants, and there has been no new depression drug in 25+ years. The biggest treatment development is the “rediscovery” of ketamine, a club drug/hallucinogen.

Why are we depressed?

Americans have less human interaction and sense of community, the greatest proven source of happiness and reassurance. This reality won’t be reversed in our lifetimes, but only grow worse with our children, who will be ever more addicted to electronic substitutes for human interaction.

Young adults’ diagnoses of mental disorders continue to grow. SAMHSA sounded an all-points alarm around older adolescents’ and young adults’ deteriorating mental health in 2014, calling for more of them to receive treatment. In 2016, mental illness among young adults continued its upward trend to new record levels.


Antidepressants claim, inaccurately, to address the sources of depression. Ketamine allows people to rearrange their cognitions, to put things in some greater semblance of rational importance. Any chemical solution for any mental health issue will likely be imperfect, miss most people, and not address the sources of depression in people’s lives/society.

How about you?

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Diet And Physical Activity

Recent studies have indicated that adults with mild depression may be able to prevent an episode of major depression through a combination of lifestyle changes. Gut microbes and diet may also play a role in the development of depression. Some research has also shown that certain diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, might help older adults avoid depression.

On the other hand, diets that are high in sugar and trans fat, especially heavily processed food, can promote or worsen depression, especially when paired with a sedentary lifestyle. A possible reason for the link is that diets high in these foods can lead to weight gain. Although, weight gain alone does not necessarily lead to depression.

While weight gain may be associated with the the onset of depression, it should also be mentioned that eating foods high in sugar or trans fats can disturb the balance of the gut microbiome. This can lead to a leaky gut. The immune system gets alerted and releases cytokines that can cross the blood-brain barrier, leading to alterations in neurochemicals. For example, some cytokines can shift production away from serotonin and into glutamate, which, when present in excessive amounts, causes cell damage or cell death. When this occurs, it can trigger anxiety or depression.

In fact, a 2018 study found that people were more likely to become depressed if they were overweighteven if the extra weight wasnt causing other health problems such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.

The Risk Of Suicide In Todays Teens

13 Graphs Perfectly Demonstrate What Depression Feels Like  Learning Mind

Any threat of suicide should be taken seriously. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger because of thoughts of suicide, please call 911 immediately.

If you do not live in the U.S., please call your local emergency number. Help is always available. Stay on the phone with the operator and wait for help to arrive.

Remember that other people care. If you are not in immediate danger, but want to talk with someone about your suicidal feelings, you can call the National Hopeline Network for Suicide Prevention at 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-784-2433. Recognizing the red flags could save a life.

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What Are The Most Common Personality Traits Of Rich People

5 personality traits tend to be most present in wealthy people. The first one is that they usually are extroverted. This is something that helps them move around, meet people, and mingle, which is extremely important when trying to make a business successful.

They are also conscientious people, even with whom they want to marry. They analyze things in every possible outcome and know how to deal with delayed gratification and keep their focus on long-term goals.

For being able to do this, rich people usually demonstrate they are more emotionally stable. They dont make decisions in their spare moment, or as an emotional response. They keep their eyes on their goals and go for them.

They are also people that are less neurotic, this is shown by their ability to not respond emotionally to things. They are not affected in a way that causes them anxiety, gets them worried, changes their mood, or causes them to be afraid.

And finally, wealthy people tend to be more self-centered. And although some people might assume that is a bad thing, it just shows how they have high expectations for their achievements, even though they understand other people might be needed for this.

The Different Types Of Depression In Teens

Signs of depression are often symptoms of another physical or psychological medical condition. Its important to work with a medical professional to identify the type of depression you are experiencing and, ultimately, develop a treatment plan.

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by persistent sadness and low mood, which may be accompanied by feelings of anxiety or guilt.

Depression can be categorized into various types, such as short-term symptoms that last for a few days or chronic symptoms that last for months.

There are different types of depression, which can be classified according to their cause, severity, and duration. Some types of depression include:

  • Major depressive
  • Persistent depressive
  • Premenstrual dysphoric

Regardless of the type of depression that youre experiencing, its important that you seek professional help. A treatment plan should be developed thats specifically designed for you.

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What Is Causing So Many People To Become Depressed

As mentioned above, there are many factors that contribute to depression. Lets take a look at some of them:

A Bad Childhood: If you had a bad childhood where you experienced a lot of trauma, neglect, or abuse, you run the risk of becoming depressed as an adult. Also, if your parents werent able to deal with the trauma of your childhood and didnt help you move on, you could also be at risk of becoming depressed later in life.

A Bad Relationship: A bad relationship with your parents, partner or friends can lead to depression. If you are in a relationship and your partner is abusive or controlling, this can also lead to depression.

Social Isolation: If you dont have any friends or you dont interact with people, this can lead to increased feelings of depression. When you are around people, your brain releases oxytocin. This is known as the love hormone because its responsible for feelings of love, trust, and confidence.

Why Is Depression More Common Today

Joe Rogan – Why Are So Many People Depressed?

There could be several reasons why depression is so common today. But the most prominent one is the way people live their lives today compared to the way they used to. There are many modern-day factors that are causing people to become extremely anxious and depressed. Lets take a look at a few of them:

Increased expectations: People these days are expected to excel in their careers, be exceptionally good parents, be financially stable and live a very active social life. Whats more, they are expected to excel in all of these areas at once! So, its obvious that people today have a lot of expectations from themselves. And, when they feel like they are failing in one or all of these areas, the result is usually depression.

Technology: Social media, smartphones, and various other technological devices have made our lives more convenient and easier. But, its also true that all these devices and apps are causing people to become more isolated. So, one can definitely say that excessive use of technology can lead to increased feelings of anxiety and depression.

Poor Diet: A poor diet is a major reason why many people today are suffering from depression. When a person doesnt get the right nutrients, they are more likely to become anxious and depressed.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Studies show that alcohol and drug addiction are also major contributors to the prevalence of depression among the youth.

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