Friday, May 3, 2024

How To Beat Pms Depression

What Is The Best Treatment For Pmdd

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Although it technically does not need to be treated as a medical condition, as there is nothing irregular happening within the menstruation cycle itself, there are many helpful treatments for PMDD symptoms.

A common tactic is to take medication prescribed by a doctor, as you will need approval from a medical professional to get any medications that arent available over-the-counter. You can also try to relieve symptoms naturally, using a variety of methods like exercise or vitamins.

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Relax With Yoga Or Meditation

  • Calm your body and your mind at the same time. When you notice the effects of PMS starting to come on, take a few minutes to empty your mind with meditation or soothing yoga. It can help lower your stress levels and reduce mood swings over time.XResearch source
  • If youre having trouble meditating, try looking up a guided meditation video. It might take some practice, but you can get the hang of it.
  • Can Adrenal Issues Cause Anxiety

    Ultimately, our adrenal health can determine our anxiety levels.

    The adrenal glands are located right above the kidneys, and they are responsible for producing many of the hormones we need to function including cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. I call these the last two the freak-out hormones because when they hit your brain your body will go into panic mode.

    While these stress hormones are critical to protecting us from danger, in modern times, we are often not really in danger on a regular basis.

    Instead, vitamin deficiencies, over-exercising, under-eating, lack of social interaction and stress of any sort get demand a response from our adrenals. Maybe stress even tells your body to shut down ovulation or stop making progesterone in favor of producing cortisol and boom anxiety and panic attacks set in. Theres no GABA there to mitigate the panic fest.

    If youve been feeling tired but unable to go to sleep at night, having difficulty waking up in the morning, and are completely relying on caffeine to make it through the day I would recommend checking out your cortisol levels and my Optimal Adrenal Kit.

    And keep reading because I’ve got a whole lot more tips to ward of anxiety before your period.

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    Effective Tips To Overcome Premenstrual Syndrome

    There are three Cs that can sum up Premenstrual Syndrome – Cramps, Cravings, and Change in moods. Every month as women approach their periods, this syndrome interferes with their daily schedule and leaves them weary. So, is there anything one can do to overcome this trouble? Fortunately, there are ways that can help you prepare better in advance for coping up with Premenstrual Syndrome.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Depression In Women

    What Is Depression: Tips on How to Beat the Blues

    The symptoms of depression in women vary from mild to severe and are distinguished by the impact they have on your ability to function. Common signs of depression include:

    • Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. You feel as if nothing will ever get better and theres nothing you can do to improve your situation.
    • You dont care anymore about former hobbies, pastimes, and social activities you used to enjoy.
    • Appetite changes often leading to significant weight loss or weight gain.
    • Changes in your sleep pattern.
    • Feeling angry, agitated, restless.

    Women also tend to experience certain depression symptoms more often than men. These include:

    • Depression in the winter months due to lower levels of sunlight.
    • Symptoms of atypical depression, where rather than sleeping less, eating less, and losing weight, you experience the opposite: sleeping excessively, eating more , and gaining weight.
    • Strong feelings of guilt and worthlessness. You harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.

    If you’re feeling suicidal

    Problems don’t seem temporarythey seem overwhelming and permanent. But if you reach out for help, you will feel better.

    Read Are You Feeling Suicidal? or call the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. For helplines outside the U.S., visit Befrienders Worldwide.

    Recommended Reading: Signs Of Major Depressive Episode

    Estrogen As An Antidepressant

    Estrogen treatment is widely believed to improve depressive symptoms in menopausal women,114118 but study results are inconclusive because of large variations in study design and measures, hormonal status and diagnosis of the subjects, the estrogen compound, dose, and duration of use, and failure to find an effect greater than the placebo response.119122

    Burt et al123 identified six studies that included perimenopausal women for estrogen treatment of depressive symptoms. Only two studies were placebo-controlled only one of these showed significant improvement with estradiol compared with placebo after 4 months of treatment, but the treatment advantage over placebo was not sustained after 12 months of treatment.124 In an uncontrolled study of women judged to be depressed or not depressed on the basis of the Beck Depression Inventory, only the group that was not depressed responded to standard replacement doses of conju-gated estrogen.125 Pharmacologic doses of estradiol showed improvement greater than placebo in women diagnosed with depressive disorders126 and in a study of postmenopausal women with scores signifying mental distress .127 Conclusions cannot be drawn from the conflicting results of these studies, which are limited by designs that do not clearly identify essential variables, such as menopausal status and diagnosis of depression, and also lack comparability in the form and dose of estrogen treatment.

    Procrastination Is Nothing But Avoiding Responsibilities And Activities That Feel Forced On You

    And the best way to do stop procrastinating and start doing is by letting go of any stress we face.

    How can you make it happen? There are several simple but extremely useful methods that you could try.

    Take a second and think about how your life would be different if you werent plagued by procrastination.

    Imagine what youd be able to accomplish in your work, education, or personal life. You could get more things done in less time, and there wouldnt be any stress or anxiety over having to catch up later.

    And when you realize that, you also realize that there should be steps one can take to overcome their own perspective and start getting things done, instead of wasting time by being stressed out, therefore, by procrastinating.

    Yeah, there are steps but you arent sure exactly what kind.

    You might think to yourself: Maybe I should sign up for therapy. But its expensive, and I dont have time to talk about my feelings every week anyway. And Ive already wasted half the day doing nothing. So really, whats the point?

    The truth be told, good therapy is more than just helpful. But theres an even better way.

    Well, thats what VirtueMap is: Its a program that helps people overcome procrastination by rewiring their daily habits so theyll be productive no matter what theyre doing.

    And it all starts with a Quiz. Why? Because everybody loves a good Quiz. It helps you think about your life from different angles, and you might get some self-reflection on the way.

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    Understanding Depression In Women

    Depression can impact every area of a womans lifeincluding your physical health, social life, relationships, career, and sense of self-worthand is complicated by factors such as reproductive hormones, social pressures, and the unique female response to stress. However, its important to know that youre not alone. Women are about twice as likely as men to suffer from depression but depression is treatable and there are plenty of things you can do to make yourself feel better.

    Of course, the Catch-22 of depression is that feeling better requires action but taking action when youre depressed is difficult. However, while you may not have much energy, you probably have enough to take a short walk around the block or pick up the phone to call a loved one, for exampleand that can be a great start to boosting your mood and improving your outlook. Its important to also learn about the factors that cause depression in women so you can tackle the condition head on, treat your depression most effectively, and help prevent it from coming back.

    Seek Help For Your Pms Depression

    How To Beat Your WORST FEARS In “RUPTURE”

    If you are experiencing PMS depression or suspect that your PMS symptoms are more severe then they should be, seeking out treatment is your first step to recovery, and you can take that step with YANA.

    YANA is an online mental health clinic that makes it fast, easy, and affordable to get matched with a mental healthcare provider who can work with you to create a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs. You can even get prescription medication delivered discreetly to your door.

    Dont feel like you need to live with these sorts of disabling symptoms forever. There are very effective treatments for PMS and PMDD, which can make a huge difference in your life and in the lives of your loved ones. Get started today!

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    Medication Is The Last Resort

    This is recommended only when the symptoms of PMS such as cramps or irritation, breast tenderness, head/backaches go out of hands. The symptoms of PMS are severe in women who are already suffering from other conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS, etc. Remember that it is important to consult with the doctor before taking any type of medication such as pain relievers or stress relievers.

    The Depression Epidemic: Our Stone Age Brains

    There is an undeniable connection between lifestyle and depression. A modern lifestyle is making us sick. The more modern a society, and the more removed it is from the primitive hunter-gatherer way of life, the higher its rate of depression. Our world has changed phenomenally and our lifestyles have changed along with it, but our brains have hardly changed at all. They remain remarkably similar to the ones that powered people in the Stone Age when sleep was abundant, food was nutritious, and people wandered in groups, constantly on the move in the sunshine.

    Our Stone Age brains just werent designed to handle the sedentary, isolated, indoor, sleep-deprived, fast-food-laden, stressed-out pace of twenty-first-century life.-Dr Stephen Ilardi

    Our brains are beautifully crafted to support Stone Age bodies that live Stone Age lives. When Stone Age brains are forced to live a modern lifestyle, the effect can be devastating. The brain and the body become depleted of the very things that have been fuelling them for thousands of years before now.

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    How To Relieve Pms Symptoms Pms Treatment

    For some women, premenstrual symptoms are relieved by making lifestyle changes. However, based on your PMS symptom severity, the doctor may give you one or more medicines for PMS treatment.

    The medicines that are commonly prescribed for PMS treatment include:

    • Antidepressants. Antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors including paroxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline are successful in decreasing symptoms of PMS mood swings. SSRIs remain the first choice for premenstrual syndrome treatment, especially for severe symptoms of PMS and PMDD. These medicines are prescribed by your doctor and you have to take them daily. However, in some women, the doctor may ask to take these medicines only during 15 days before the start of menses.
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . NSAIDs include over-the-counter painkillers such as naproxen sodium or ibuprofen. You should take these drugs either before or during menses to relieve premenstrual symptoms of breast discomfort and cramping. Make sure that you follow the dosage exactly as mentioned on the medicine label.
    • Diuretics. Diuretics or water pills are also a part of PMS treatment to reduce premenstrual symptoms of weight gain, bloating, and swelling. They help in removing the excess fluid from your body through the kidneys.
    • Hormonal contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives also referred to as birth control pills stop ovulation that helps in relieving premenstrual syndrome symptoms.

    Listen To Relaxing Music Improves Your Mood

    PMS IV Treatment in Houston TX

    In this case, music therapy can relax an agitated patient, improve the mood, and encourage open communication in patients. In truth, it manages pain. On this occasion, by reducing stress levels and providing a strong competing stimulus to the pain signals that enter the brain, music therapy can assist in pain management.

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    Are There Herbal Remedies To Help Me

    Herbal remedies provide a number of options:

    • If your low mood is associated with other PMS symptoms, you should start off by addressing the root of the problem with Agnus castus. It is the berries of this herb that are used medicinally and because of this, the plant is also known as Chasteberry. Agnus castus can help with both the physical symptoms of PMS such as menstrual cramps, breast pain and bloating, as well as the emotional symptoms associated with stress, anxiety and low mood.
    • If low mood is your main or only symptom, then you might wish to use St. Johns wort a specific remedy for people who are feeling sad, down or low in mood.

    If necessary, both herbs can be used together. This is appropriate if you find that Agnus castus improves symptoms of PMS, but you are still feeling a bit low in mood. However, if you are already taking prescribed medication, oral contraceptives or HRT, check with your doctor before taking Agnus castus or St Johns Wort as these herbs may not be suitable for you. Alternatively, call our helpline.

    Supplement With Calcium D

    A main reason women experience premenstrual symptoms is because of excess estrogen. Because of daily exposure to estrogen-mimicking substances , youre much more prone to estrogen dominance than your great grandparents were.

    Estrogen dominance causes long list of problems including infertility, mood imbalances, PMS, and other health problems in women. Men experience things like mood swings, weight gain and gynecomastia when their estrogen gets out of control.

    If youre diagnosed with high estrogen levels or if youre high-risk for estrogen-dependent cancers, your doctor may prescribe Tamoxifen. It reduces estrogen, but not without side effects including stroke, blood clots, uterine cancer, and cataracts.

    Research shows that a supplement called calcium D-glucarate could be just as effective as Tamoxifen in treating estrogen dominance. CDG helps detox the liver by splitting off into glucaric acid, the active form. Glucaric acid binds to toxic substances and ushers them into the urinary tract and out. It helps excess estrogen get ushered out of the body.

    In one study, calcium-d-glucarate reduced the number of estrogen receptors by 48 percent. Its also been shown to lower serum estrogen levels by 23 percent in rats.

    The most important time to take it would be at ovulation and a few days after, when your estrogen levels are highest.

    Read Also: Are Men More Likely To Be Depressed

    What Are The Stages Of The Menstrual Cycle

    The three stages of the menstrual cycle are:

    Follicular stage

    This stage begins on the first day of menstruation. Your body releases follicle-stimulating hormone , and ovarian follicles start developing. This continues for 10-17 days.


    At this point, your body produces luteinizing hormone , and the follicle releases an egg that survives for up to 24 hours, waiting to be fertilized.

    Luteal stage

    After ovulation, estrogen declines, and progesterone levels increase. Progesterone stimulates the growth of the uterine lining, which can house a fertilized egg. If fertilization doesn’t occur, progesterone levels start dropping. This stage lasts for about 14 days.

    The menstrual phase is part of the follicular stage. During this stage, your body understands that it’s not pregnant. It starts discarding the unnecessary lining and getting ready for the next ovulation. The menstrual part of the follicular stage lasts around five to seven days.

    Try Hormonal Birth Control

    How To Beat The RICH 1% In “The Invitation”
  • Birth control can help regulate PMS symptoms across the board. If youve been having issues with PMS depression for a while, talk to your doctor about starting birth control. Keep in mind that some forms of birth control can actually make PMS symptoms worse, so it may take some trial and error to figure out what works for you.XTrustworthy SourceMindU.K.-based mental health charity focused on providing advice and resources to anyone facing mental health problems.Go to source
  • Birth control containing drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol may be more effective against PMS depression than other types.XTrustworthy SourceUS Office on Women’s HealthU.S. government agency providing resources for women’s healthGo to source
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    Can Pcos Affect Moods

    As I mentioned earlier, women with PCOS are statistically more likely to battle issues with anxiety and depression.

    They are at high risk for developing major depression, binge-eating disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

    While we cant say for sure exactly why this is, some research indicates its due to the insulin resistance thats characteristic of PCOS. Whether this is exactly why or not, incorporating dietary changes that support balanced blood sugar and inflammation are key to getting PCOS in check.

    If you are experiencing anxiety and a cluster of the following symptoms, you may want to talk to your doctor about PCOS:

    • Heavy menstrual bleeding

    Since one of the hallmark traits of PCOS is anovulatory cycles, women can often find themselves low in progesterone and high in testosterone. As Ive explained, both imbalances in progesterone and testosterone can contribute to anxiety.

    I would encourage you to check out my PCOS Kit that is designed to support womens natural hormone function to help clear up acne, lose weight, and even get their period back.

    I also have a ton of great information on my website specifically to help you ladies struggling with PCOS.

    Talk To Someone Who Understands

    The primary step to managing PMS depression is to talk to someone who understands the condition. This could be a friend, family member, therapist, or doctor. By talking about your symptoms and how they make you feel, you will be able to better understand your condition and develop a plan to manage it. In fact, simply talking about your symptoms can help to lessen their intensity.

    Also, researchers have found that women who have a strong support system are less likely to experience PMS depression. So, make sure to surround yourself with people who understand and can support you. Even on regular days, sharing ones feelings with friends or family can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.

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