Sunday, April 21, 2024

Which Test Is Useful In Diagnosing Depression

Tests Used To Diagnose Depression

Theres A Blood Test That Can Diagnose Depression!

If you are planning to see your doctor about depression, here is information about the kinds of tests your doctor might ask for. First, keep in mind that not every test is a depression test. Some tests arent used to diagnose clinical depression but rather to rule out other serious medical conditions that may cause similar symptoms.

New Tools For Assessing Suicide Risk

The DSM-5 does include new scales for assessing suicide risk: one for adults and one for adolescents. These scales are intended to help clinicians identify suicide risk in patients as they are developing treatment plans.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

The tools are included in the new Section III of the DSM-5 and are intended to better support clinicians in identifying risk factors for suicide as well as scales for assessing suicidal behaviors .

Pregnant And Postpartum Women

The prevalence of depression in the postpartum period has been estimated at 10%.26,27 The onset of postpartum depression occurs during the prenatal and antepartum periods in approximately 50% of pregnancies.28 For cases that begin after delivery, roughly 90% occur in the first four months.29

Postpartum depression has significant effects on the entire family. It is associated with abnormal development, cognitive impairment, and psychopathology in children.30 It can interfere with breastfeeding, maternal-infant bonding, and the mother’s relationship with her partner.26 It is often overlooked and may be mistaken for normal behavioral changes that occur during this period, known as the postpartum blues. Postpartum depression is not listed as its own diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. , but rather as a qualifier to the diagnosis of major depressive disorder.31

The USPSTF, American Academy of Family Physicians, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend screening all postpartum women for depression.16,17,23,32,33 Patients should be screened for depression at least once during the perinatal period. Evidence supports the use of the PHQ-2, PHQ-9, or Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale .33 The Postpartum Depression Screening Scale is a more in-depth tool however, it requires additional time to administer with more than 20 questions, limiting its use during routine outpatient office visits.

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Patients With Chronic Medical Conditions

The incidence of depression is higher in patients with chronic medical conditions. A Canadian study demonstrated a 1.45 times greater risk of depression in these patients.44 A study of the relationship between depression and diabetes and coronary artery disease specifically showed it to be bidirectional.45 Given these findings, physicians should consider screening patients with chronic medical conditions for depression. Physicians should also be mindful that many symptoms commonly attributed to chronic medical conditions are also symptoms of underlying depression.

Which Lab Tests Can Help Make The Depression Diagnosis

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After reviewing the information from your appointment, including the signs and symptoms, patient history, family history, and physician exam, your doctor may ask for some lab tests to rule out a physical condition that may be causing your symptoms. Certain viruses, medicines, hormonal or vitamin deficiencies, and illnesses can cause depression-like symptoms. Your doctor will also want to review all medications youâre taking as well as the alcohol or recreational drugs you may be using.

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New Mood Disorders Added

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder was added in response to concerns that bipolar disorder is overdiagnosed in children. This diagnosis is reserved for children ages 6 to 18 who present with chronic irritability and frequent episodes of temper outbursts out of proportion with the situation. It is a controversial inclusion due to limited available data.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder was added under the depressive disorders section and recognized as a more severe form of premenstrual syndrome . It is characterized by depression, anxiety, and extreme irritability related to hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle.

Diagnosing Depression And Lab Tests

Your doctor can usually tell if you have depression by asking you specific questions and doing a physical exam. Your doctor may, however, ask for lab tests to rule out other diagnoses. Your doctor will likely do blood tests to check for medical conditions that may cause depressive symptoms. They will use the blood tests to check for such things as anemia as well as thyroidà or possiblyà other hormones, and sometimesà calcium and vitamin D levels.

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How Do I Know If Im Bipolar

To know if you are bipolar you must go to a clinician, who will want to assess if you have had at least one manic or hypomanic episode that alternated with a depressive episode.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by intense mood states that fluctuate, so if someone you know has commented on the fact that you tend to be that way, you might be Bipolar.

How Depression Is Diagnosed According To The Dsm

Diagnosing Depression

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a handbook that provides guidelines for clinicians who diagnose psychiatric illnesses. Each condition is categorized and given a clear set of criteria that must be met for a diagnosis to be made.

The latest edition, commonly known as the DSM-5, was released by the American Psychiatric Association on May 18, 2013. It replaced the DSM-IV, which had been in use since 1994.

As is the case with each new edition of the DSM, there were some changes made to the diagnostic criteria for certain disorders from the DSM-IV to DSM-5, including depression. Some disorders have been removed, while others have been modified or added.

The following is a look at how depression is diagnosed including an overview of the changes that came with the DSM-5 and what those changes mean for healthcare providers and patients.

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Changes To Depression In The Dsm

While the DSM-5 doesn’t introduce any new diagnostic tests for depression, it does promote a new integrated approach for clinicians to diagnose mental health disorders.

Clinicians who were used to using the older methods for diagnosing depression didn’t have to completely change how they approached the process with the DSM-5, as the new integrated approach is compatible with previous assessment tools.

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    Proteomic And Metabolomic Methods

    Proteomic techniques facilitate the study of multiple protein and modified protein products of disease-relevant genes. This can lead to the study of differentially expressed protein profiles in diseased vs nondiseased populations. Numerous studies of brain tissue, blood, and cerebral spinal fluid in schizophrenia and bipolar patients have shown some common protein alterations in energy and phospholipid metabolism as well as Ca2+ homeostasis . Few systematic studies have been done on either brain tissue or with biological fluids from depressed patients. Most work have been done in animal models with a focus on biomarker changes due to antidepressant treatment rather than to identify biomarkers to diagnose depression. Some studies show that antidepressant treatment may modulate neurogenesis-related markers such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor . Many studies have been reported using high anxiety behavior and low anxiety behavior murine models. The HAB mice represent a comorbid depression-like behavior and are hyperanxious. Proteomic analysis identified glyoxalase-I as a protein marker down-regulated in various areas of the brain in 1 study and a modified enolase phosphatase isoform in HAB mice in another . Elucidation of drug mechanisms and potential biomarkers using proteomic techniques has great promise, but further exploration is needed.

    Which Test Is Useful In Diagnosing Depression

    My Continued Treatment Of Depression Kris Medium

    Two tests that are useful in diagnosing depression are Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and Beck Depression Inventory .

    Out of these two, Beck Depression Inventory is the test for diagnosing depression that most clinicians prefer, as it gives a comprehensive overview of the symptoms and their severity.

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    Creatinine And Blood Urea Nitrogen

    Creatinine and BUN levels reflect how well the kidneys are working. Not only can kidney disease lead to symptoms similar to depression, but its also important for doctors to know if kidney function is impaired before prescribing an antidepressant. When the kidneys arent working well, they may not be able to metabolize certain medications properly.

    What Tests Results Mean

    When the results of your blood work come back, there may be a clear next step for you to take. For example, if you have low levels of vitamin B12, your doctor may recommend you start taking a vitamin supplement or receive injections.

    If you are diagnosed with a medical condition such as hypothyroidism or diabetes, you may find your depression symptoms start to get better as soon as you begin treatment for the underlying condition. They may even resolve once the condition is managed.

    When blood tests indicate you have high cholesterol, your doctor may recommend making some lifestyle changes. You may find that adjusting your diet and getting regular exercise help ease your depression symptoms, too.

    The results of these lab tests for depression may prompt your doctor to ask you about your alcohol and drug use as well. If you are using substances or dealing with addiction, it’s crucial that you are honest with your doctor. Getting support and treatment for addiction is part of addressing depression.

    For your safety, as well as the efficacy of treatment, your doctor needs to know if you are using drugs or alcohol, as it may influence the medications they prescribe.

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    Depression Test: 3 Minutes

    If you feel that you or someone you know is experiencing depression but you are not sure, this 3 minute depression test is relevant for you, and it is also reliable because it is based on Becks Depression Inventory and the DSM criteria for depression, both of which are measures a clinician might use.

    To take the depression test, just read through the statements given below and answer yes or no based on whether you have felt any of these in the past 2 weeks, and the scoring key is given after the test.

    Are you sad all the time, but without any reason?

    Have you noticed a significant change in your appetite?

    Have you felt lately that you are sleeping too much or too little?

    Are you easily tired without making any effort?

    Do you cry easily and without any reason to?

    Do you feel that life isnt worth living?

    Have you tried to take your life?

    Have you felt like it would be better if you just died, without actively trying to finish off yourself?

    Do you feel hopeless about the future?

    Do you feel worthless about yourself?

    Do you feel like you have no one to help you out or that no one can help your situation?

    Do you find it extremely hard to do anything?

    Have you found that your self-care has reduced a lot lately?

    Do you feel like being alone all the time and dont want to be with family or friends that you like?

    Do you feel like a failure?

    Do you feel hopeless?

    Do you find that you keep waking up earlier than usual or have trouble sleeping?

    Are There Physical Signs Of Depression

    Bipolar Disorder Assessment and Diagnosis

    Yes. In fact, a great many people with depression come to their doctor first with only physical issues. You might notice:

    • Constant tiredness
    • Slowing of physical movement and thinking

    You might notice these symptoms and signs even before you notice the mental health symptoms of depression, or you might notice them at the same time. Your doctor can help you figure out the source of your symptoms.

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    Diagnosing Depression And Other Testing Methods

    The doctor may include other standard tests as part of the initial physical exam. Among them may be blood tests to check electrolytes, liver function, toxicology screening, and kidney function. Because the kidneys and liver are responsible for the elimination of depression medications, impairment to either of these two organs may cause the drugs to accumulate in the body.

    Other tests may sometimes include:

    • CT scan or MRI of the brain to rule out serious illnesses such as a brain tumor
    • Electrocardiogram to diagnose some heart problems
    • Electroencephalogram to record electrical activity of the brain

    Short Form Health Survey

    As part of the Medical Outcomes Study , a multi-year, multi-site study that investigated variations in patient outcomes, the RAND Corporation developed the 36-item Short Form Health Survey as a set of easily administered quality-of-life measures. These measures rely on patient self-reports and are widely used for routine monitoring and assessment of care outcomes in the adult population. The survey can be completed in 10 minutes or less.

    Ware, J.E., & Sherbourne, C.D. . The MOS 36-item short-form health survey : I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Medical Care, 30, 473-483.

    McHorney, C.A., Ware Jr, J.E., Lu, J.R., & Sherbourne, C.D. . The MOS 36-item Short-Form Health Survey : III. Tests of data quality, scaling assumptions, and reliability across diverse patient groups. Medical Care, 32, 40-66. Retrieved from

    More Information

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    How It All Fits Together

    Getting a diagnosis of depression is a multi-step process that often begins when someone notices they do not feel quite like themselves. In some cases, a person’s friends and family may notice the subtle signs of depression first and encourage them to seek treatment.

    While it’s vital to work with a qualified medical and mental health professionals who can diagnose and treat depression, you might find it helpful to use patient-friendly online screening tools or quizzes to help assess your symptoms. Having this information on hand when you go to your doctor might make it easier to talk about how you’re feeling.

    Clinicians also use screening tools, questionnaires, and other tests to assess someone for depression. Many of these scales and checklists are similar, if not the same, as those patients can access online. What’s important to remember is that doctors and mental health professionals are specially trained to administer and interpret the results.

    After evaluating someone’s symptoms and comparing them to the diagnostic criteria for major depression laid out by the DSM-5, a provider might decide a person needs additional testing to rule out other possible causes for their symptoms .

    The updated DSM-5 introduced several subtle, but important, changes to the way doctors, mental health providers, and researchers approach depression.

    Quick Inventory Of Depressive Symptomatology

    23 Depression Test For Adults

    The QIDS-SR measures the severity of depressive symptoms in adults 18 and older. There are 16 measures, selected from the Inventory of Depressive Symptomology . These symptoms correspond to the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV. Respondents use a 4-point Likert-type scale to assess their behaviors and mood over the course of the past week. It takes five to seven minutes to complete the report.

    Rush, A.J., Trivedi, M.H., Ibrahim, H.M., Carmody, T.J., Arnow, B., Klein, D.N., . . . Keller, M.B. . The 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology , clinician rating , and self-report : A psychometric evaluation in patients with chronic major depression. Biological Psychiatry, 54, 573-583.

    More Information

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    If The Diagnosis Is Depression

    Depression is treatable. Consequently, a depression diagnosis can start you on the road to a healthier life without feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness.

    Once your doctor makes a depression diagnosis, you need to follow the treatment program to get better. It’s important to take the medications as prescribed. You also need to follow through on making lifestyle changes and working with a psychotherapist if that’s what your doctor recommends. Millions of people with depression suffer needlessly because they don’t get professional help that starts with a doctor’s diagnosis.

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    Can Lab Tests Detect Depression

    In general, lab tests are used to rule out other conditions that may present similarly to depression, rather than detecting depression itself. For example, certain thyroid disorders and vitamin D deficiency share some of the same symptoms as depression and can be detected through testing.

    Recent studies, however, suggest that blood tests may be useful in diagnosing depression.

    In a recent study, researchers built upon previous work that examined levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor , a protein in the blood that influences memory and learning, in people with certain mood disorders.

    Lower levels of mature BDNF were found in participants with depression and bipolar disorder. In addition, it was found that in some cases, mBDNF levels were lower for those reporting severe symptoms than those reporting more moderate symptoms.

    While current blood tests cant conclusively use low mBDNF levels to diagnose depression, it provides a strong direction for further research.

    Another study also suggests that blood tests may be the future of depression detection.

    Instead of BDNF levels, this study focused on how low levels of an enzyme called ethanolamine phosphate may be linked to major depressive disorder in adults. Results showed that phosphate level blood tests were able to correctly diagnose depression 82% of the time.

    Working with medical and mental health professionals can help provide you with a more accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs.

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