Thursday, May 2, 2024

How Does Depression Affect Your Health

Depression Medication: Antidepressant Drug Options

Depression: A Student’s Perspective

You have a variety of choices for antidepressants. Some of the most common are SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. These help the brain to regulate the release of serotonin and dopamine these are brain chemicals thought to be responsible for creating feelings of happiness and satisfaction. Common brand names are Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft.

What Are The Treatment Options For Prenatal Depression

Often people are told by those around them you should get some help without a lot of guidance on how to do so, Dr. Koire points out. So what does getting help actually look like? Often, it starts with talking to your obstetrician or primary car provider about how youve been feeling dont brush off your symptoms or expect that theyll just resolve on their own. Treatment can include psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Postpartum Support International can be a helpful resource for finding local providers. Dr. Koire also suggests a newly launched mental health hotline: the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline which provides 24/7, free, confidential support before, during, and after pregnancy.

If youre in the grips of a serious mental health crisis and are feeling actively suicidal, you need emergency care: going to the emergency room may be a necessity in those more serious situations.

In short, prenatal depression can affect your baby, but the worst thing you can do is be caught in a shame spiral and not tell anyone about your feelings. Monk sums up the main message that mental health providers want their patients to hear: Prenatal depression is common and treatable. Do reach out for help to feel on the road to being back to your usual self, for you and your baby.


Incorporate Other Healthy Lifestyle Changes One At A Time

Dont try to fix everything at once. Thats especially true if one of the habits you want to break is smoking.

Quitting smoking can be difficult. If you smoke, talk with your health care professional to determine if you need medications or other help to quit. Therapies may include nicotine replacement or prescription medicines. You could also ask for a referral for a smoking cessation program.

Ultimately, you have to take care of yourself to break the cycle of feeling down. That could be doing something structured, such as a yoga class or tai chi practice, or something you can do anywhere, such as meditating, listening to music or reading a book.

Written by American Heart Association editorial staff and reviewed by science and medicine advisers. See our editorial policies and staff.

Last Reviewed: Jun 22, 2021

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Achieving Remission In Patients With Physical Symptoms

Treating both the emotion and the physical symptoms associated with depression together is an important part of achieving remission. Unlike selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as sertraline and paroxetine, the dual-action antidepressants venlafaxine and duloxetine inhibit the reuptake of both serotonin and norepinephrine. This dual action gives them a robust efficacy in combating depression and preventing the persistence of symptoms, which increases the likelihood of achieving remission. Numerous reports have indicated that therapeutic agents that act on multiple neurotransmitters are associated with higher rates of remission than are single agents.1013 The selection of therapeutic agents proven to effectively promote both an elimination of a broad spectrum of symptoms and a return to full social functioning is important to the treatment of depression.

Because a majority of patients with depression initially seek treatment for the physical symptoms of depression rather than for their emotional symptoms, physicians are often aware of patients’ physical symptoms when treatment commences. Primary care physicians may want to consider using dual-action antidepressants as a first line-treatment in depressed patients who present with physical symptoms.

How Depression Affects You: 15 Examples Of Depressed Affect

Effects &  Side Effects of Depression

Understanding depression symptoms include reviewing how depression affects the body. Doing so gives a unique perspective on how depression has an effect on how decisions are made from what to eat to choosing which daily tasks to complete. Depressed affect takes a closer look at how depression affects both mental and physical aspects of a person sometimes leading to extreme actions or thoughts considered unhealthy.

Some cases may lead to self-harm or suicidal thoughts. Emotional aspects may feel overwhelming to someone dealing with the effects of depression. A depressed person may express actions or feelings showing they may be struggling to deal with their emotions. Here is an overview of depression and examples of depressed affect you should know to get a better understanding of how the body is affected.

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, help is available. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255 and is available 24/7, or you can text the word HOME to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line.

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Signs And Symptoms: How To Identify Depression

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersdiagnosed with major depressive disorder

Do you:

  • Constantly feel tearful, empty, or worthless?
  • Have little interest or pleasure in your work, hobbies, friends, family, and other things you once enjoyed?
  • Notice dramatic changes up or down in your appetite or your weight not related to dieting?
  • Often feel listless or fatigued for no obvious reason?
  • Have trouble concentrating or making decisions?
  • Find yourself wringing your hands, pacing, or showing other signs of anxious restlessness or the opposite, moving or speaking more slowly than usual?
  • Struggle with insomnia or sleep too much?
  • Have recurrent thoughts of suicide or death?

To be diagnosed with MDD, one of your symptoms must be a persistent low mood or a loss of interest or pleasure, the DSM-5 states. Your symptoms must also not be due to substance abuse or a medical condition, such as thyroid problems, a brain tumor, or a nutritional deficiency.

Of course, its normal to have any or all of these symptoms temporarily from time to time. The difference with depression is that the symptoms persist and make it difficult to function normally.

Mental Health Conditions: Depression And Anxiety

Depression is more than just feeling down or having a bad day. When a sad mood lasts for a long time and interferes with normal, everyday functioning, you may be depressed. Symptoms of depression include:1

  • Feeling sad or anxious often or all the time
  • Not wanting to do activities that used to be fun
  • Feeling irritable easily frustrated or restless
  • Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Waking up too early or sleeping too much
  • Eating more or less than usual or having no appetite
  • Experiencing aches, pains, headaches, or stomach problems that do not improve with treatment
  • Having trouble concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions
  • Feeling tired even after sleeping well
  • Feeling guilty, worthless, or helpless
  • Thinking about suicide or hurting yourself

The following information is not intended to provide a medical diagnosis of major depression and cannot take the place of seeing a mental health professional. If you think you are depressed talk with your doctor or a mental health professional immediately. This is especially important if your symptoms are getting worse or affecting your daily activities.

The exact cause of depression is unknown. It may be caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors.2 Everyone is different but the following factors may increase a persons chances of becoming depressed:1

Read Also: What To Do When Starting To Feel Depressed

Other Causes Of Memory Loss

Other reasons you may experience memory loss can include the following:

  • Normal age-related memory loss is common and manageable. One example of this is forgetting where you put your glasses but remembering later in the day.
  • Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia. It can cause progressive, irreparable brain damage and memory loss.
  • Mild cognitive impairment can alter thinking skills and eventually progress to Alzheimers disease or other forms of dementia.
  • Minor head injury or trauma can trigger slight memory problems, even if you didnt lose consciousness.
  • Forgetfulness is a potential side effect of certain medications.
  • Brain tumors or brain infections can affect your memory or trigger dementia-like symptoms.
  • Vitamin B-12 deficiency can create problems with your memory. This is because youre not maintaining healthy nerve cells and red blood cells.
  • Alcoholism or drug abuse can impair your mental state and abilities. This can also occur when alcohol interacts with medications.
  • Hypothyroidism slows your metabolism, which can lead to memory problems and other issues with thinking.
  • Brain or nerve damage caused by diseases such as Parkinsons disease or multiple sclerosis can cause memory problems. A 2013 study found that people with depression have a greater risk of developing Parkinsons disease.

Worsening Chronic Health Conditions

Rise in Anxiety Symptoms and How it Affects Your Health

People who already have a chronic health condition may find their symptoms are worse if they develop depression.

Chronic illnesses may already feel isolating or stressful, and depression may exacerbate these feelings.

A person with depression may also struggle to follow the treatment plan for a chronic illness, which can allow the symptoms to get worse.

People who experience depression and who have a chronic illness should talk to a doctor about strategies for addressing both conditions. Preserving mental health may improve physical health and make a chronic condition easier to manage.

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Ways You Can Look After Yourself

If youre depressed, you can take steps to lift your mood and help your recovery. These steps can help if youve been depressed in the past and want to stay well.

  • Talk about how youre feeling. Talking to someone you trust, or finding peer support, can help you feel better and less alone.
  • Eat well. A healthy diet can lift your mood and maintain your mental health.
  • Stay physically active. Exercise may feel like the last thing you want to do, but it can ease the symptoms of depression. Research suggests it may be as effective as antidepressants in helping you feel better.
  • Spend time in nature. Research shows that being in nature can make us feel happier, feel our lives are more worthwhile, and reduce our levels of depression.
  • Avoid cigarettes and alcohol. They may feel like theyre helping at first, but they make things worse in the long run.
  • Consider mindfulness, a technique you can learn to fully engage in the present. Studies show it can help reduce the symptoms of depression.
  • Try talking therapy to stay well. NICE guidelines recommend CBT or mindfulness-based cognitive therapy if youve been depressed in the past.


How Can I Help My Child Process A Mass Shooting

Your child or children can use your support after a mass shooting. The good news is that most kidsâ mental health issues usually resolve about a year after a gun violence event.

Your child may:

  • Feel scared or worried about others
  • Be afraid of another shooting
  • Stay away from friends or social situations
  • Have attitude changes
  • Be less able to focus
  • Have headaches or stomachaches
  • Harm themselves or turn to drugs or alcohol
  • Talk about the event either a lot or not at all
  • Have strong emotional or physical reactions to media or sounds

Here are a few things you can do to help them:

Offer to talk. Find a time to sit down and chat when youâre not interrupted.Let them know youâre there to talk and to answer questions about anything related to the incident, including their own safety. Itâs OK not to know all the answers. Let your child know they arenât alone in their feelings, and however they feel is OK. If they were involved, reassure the child that nothing is their fault. If the child doesnât want to talk, let them know youâre there if and or when theyâre ready to talk.

Promote self-care. Encourage your child to eat and drink normally and get rest and exercise. If a child doesnât want to talk with others or attend events, let them know thatâs OK.

Watch their relationships. Explain that relationships may be a little strained after a shooting. Remind them to be tolerant of how others process the event, which may be different from how they do.

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Recommended Reading: Depression And Letting Yourself Go

What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.

Physical Symptoms Of Depression

What is the relation between the hearing loss and depression

Depression doesnt just affect the mind it also affects the body. Some of the physical effects include erratic sleep habits, loss of appetite , constant fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, and back pain. Its easy to dismiss these symptoms as stemming from another condition, but they are often because of depression.

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How Do Mass Shootings Harm Kids

Children are directly affected by mass shootings, especially if one is at their school. It impacts their mental health and can have a negative impact on academic performance. This can, in turn, also hurt their mental health.

Students attend school less after a shooting, and student enrollment drops. In the 2 years following an incident, students are more likely to have to repeat a grade. Their test scores also go down.

When researchers looked at victims of a school shooting and compared their performance to students who attended the same school before the event, they noticed some big differences. Children exposed to shootings are less likely to graduate high school, go to college, and graduate college. They are also less likely to get jobs. Those who do work tend to earn lower income early in their working years, in their mid-20s.

School shootings have gone up over time. There were 93 shootings at public and private schools in the U.S. between 2020 and 2021– up from 23 between 2000 and 2001. Between 2018 and 2019, more than 100,000 American children attended schools where a shooting occurred.

What Were The Findings Of The Study

The team found that a genetic marker that predisposes maladaptive stress response traits and vulnerability to depression was linked to sensitivity to one type of regret, while healthy and stress-resilient animals were instead sensitive to a second type of regret. These novel findings could have broad implications for multiple fields, including psychiatry, psychology and behavioral economics, and could affect the future design of targeted therapies for mood disorders in humans, said Sweis.

Is regret exaggerated and do individuals hyper-ruminate on past decisions, or are those with depression numb to this emotion? Is this adaptive or maladaptive, and are individuals unable to learn from their mistakes? For patients struggling with depression, there has been no clear description of regret as a defining feature of the condition, he added.

Building on previous work demonstrating that rats and mice are capable of processing regret-like thoughts, the Mount Sinai Hospital study pushes the boundaries of what can be captured in rodent models used for the study of mental illnesses. The authors reached this goal by combining sophisticated approaches in behavioral economics and chronic stress procedures with viral gene therapy to study the neural and molecular basis of complex decision-making in animals.

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Depression And Sleep How Does Sleep Affect Your Mental Health

Poor sleep is often associated with depression and other mental disorders. Most people are aware that its healthy to get a good nights sleep. Yet, try as you might, you may have trouble accomplishing that goal. Sometimes, the problem is simply the noisy, busy world around you. Other times, it may be something within you, such as your physical or mental health, that keeps you from sleeping well. Whatever the cause, without the right duration and quality of sleep, your mental health gets affected.

Effect Of Depression On Your Daily Life

Identifying Seasonal Depression: When The Weather Affects Your Mental Health

As mentioned earlier, depression can affect every aspect of your life, including the way you sleep or eat, education or career, your health, and concentration, as well as your relationships. Depression does not occur in a vacuum. It can also affect family, friends, and co-workers.

Apart from that, depression can impact the way you perform at work, your level of concentration, thus productivity. Doctors say that it is vital to treat depression because if you leave it untreated, it can lead to severe complications in your personal and professional life. Some people underestimate the importance of psychiatrists. But in truth, searching for the best psychiatric makes a big difference.

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Depression And Substance Abuse

Symptoms of depression can be debilitating, and feel overwhelming. Because of this, individuals with depression are more likely to develop an abusive relationship with drugs, alcohol, and other substances. Substance abuse and depression go hand in hand. People with depression may seek a sense of control or escape by using alcohol to numb the emotional symptoms of depression.

Conversely, the use of drugs and alcohol can trigger and enhance depressive symptoms and have other damaging repercussions. It is estimated that 30% of people with substance abuse problems experience depression. The pairing of substance abuse and depression is dangerous, We strongly urge individuals with depression to seek professional help and to avoid drugs and alcohol.

How Does Depression Affect The Brain 2022 What Happens

Depression and major depressive disorder are significant health concerns in the US. According to the National Institute of Mental Health in 2020, depression affected 14.8 million US adults and 4.1 million adolescents.

Depression is characterized by low mood, little interest in daily activities, and even suicidal thoughts.

As we learn more about what causes depression, it is clear that physical changes to the brain are part of the disease. Decreases in gray matter volume, increased brain inflammation, and changes in brain connectivity are common in those with untreated major depressive disorder.

That may sound scary, but many treatment options exist that can prevent and even restore some of these changes back to normal.

Read on to know more about the effect of depression on the brain and several treatments.

Depression can result in negative emotions, overreactions, reduced intellectual abilities, and a general sense of feeling down. These symptoms can range from mild to severe with suicidal thoughts occurring in the most critical of diagnoses. All of these are just symptoms of depression, however. The underlying issues, and important areas of study regarding this disorder, have more to do with the actual changes depression can cause to the brain. Here, well explore an answer to the question how does depression affect the brain?

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