Thursday, July 25, 2024

When To Ask For Help With Depression

Practice The Conversation First

How Asking For Help Can Help Depression | Janesha Bull | TEDxWilmingtonWomen

It can be difficult to keep in mind everything you want to say to someone when youre reaching out.

Writing down the conversation or rehearsing it can help. If its hard to say, Im feeling depressed, then practice telling someone that you dont feel like yourself or that youre not OK, Wolkin says.

How To Ask For Help With Depression Online

Theres a lot of information about depression and other mental illnesses available online.

Theres also a lot of communities you can join and discuss your concerns. These communities will include like-minded people from all over the world, people struggling with mental conditions, and people who dedicate their life to the study and practice of depression treatment and general mental health treatment.

If you prefer to be seen by a counselor in person, seeking information online can still be quite beneficial. You can research local mental health counselors and read reviews on them to find out what others are saying regarding their counseling abilities.

Learn About What Your Friend Is Going Through

Not totally sure what depression or anxiety are, or how to help a friend with depression or anxiety? A really great first step in helping your friend is to find out more about depression, anxiety or anything else your friend is going through this will help you to better understand what’s happening and how they feel.

My friends try to learn more about what Im experiencing, especially asking for and going to sources of information I recommend. hellofriend

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Choosing The Right Doctor

The first thing you will want to do is to make sure that you are choosing the right doctor with whom to speak. While it might make sense to make an appointment with your family doctor or general practitioner, this might not always be the case.

If you do not see this doctor often or feel embarrassed to talk to this doctor, but there is another doctor whom you do see often , it might make more sense to bring it up during one of your regular appointments with them. If for some reason you end up going to the emergency department, then the ER doctor there will be able to help you.

If none of these seem to be an option, you could also consider going directly to a mental health professional however, you will likely need to work backwards and get a referral from your doctor at that point.

Mental health professionals to approach would include a social worker, counselor, psychologist, psychotherapist, registered nurse, or psychiatrist. You might find these professionals working in private practice or through a community health center, outpatient mental health clinic, employee assistance program, or family/social services agency.

Why Do You Need Help

Depression: How And When To Ask For Help

Sometimes things can seem overwhelming, and it can feel like you cant cope. You may simply just be having a bad day, or you may have an ongoing mental health problem that needs support. The important thing is not to try to cope on your own.

When youre struggling, its not good to spend too much time alone, especially if you are feeling low and vulnerable. Its at times like these that you need to be able to talk to someone. Dont be afraid to ask for help.

Recommended Reading: How To Fight Off Depression Naturally

How To Ask For Help With Depression And Other Mental Illnesses

Its not easy figuring out how to ask for help with depression and other mental illnesses.

The good news is that there is a tremendous amount of help available. Whatever mental condition symptoms you may be experiencing, there are mental health treatment providers eagerly waiting to assist you in overcoming any obstacles.

If you are like many people thinking of asking for help, you do not completely know how to reach out and start the process. There are at least five ways you can ask for help: searching online for treatment facilities or online counselors, talking to family and friends, establish a relationship with someone who has overcome mental illness and is in recovery, call a help line, or attend a support group. These are great resources to help you take your first step towards getting the help you need.

We Dont Think It Will Help

Sometimes, we cant see how talking would help us. It feels pointless. We feel low and sad and we cant see how having a chat would fix that. We might have tried medications or therapies in the past and not found any of them to be very helpful. We might have seen others who are close to us try different treatments and not find any of them helpful.

There are a lot of different treatment options available for depression. Everyone is different, so different treatments will work best for different people. If a few things havent worked, it doesnt mean that the next thing we try wont work. It can take a bit of trial and error to get things right.

Also Check: How To Find A Counselor For Depression

When You Feel Stuck Or Out Of Options: Im Struggling With My Mental Health And What Ive Been Trying Isnt Working Can We On And Come Up With A Better Plan

Feeling helpless or exhausted is part and parcel for dealing with a broken mental health system. But a team approach can make it a little more manageable.

Sometimes we need a cheerleader or researcher that helps us explore our options, especially when weâre having trouble believing that we have any.

Bonus tip: One thing youâll also notice is that, for almost everything on this list, I suggest setting a time.

This is important for a couple of reasons. The first being that it helps the person youâre talking to understand the urgency behind your ask. It can also be helpful to know that thereâs an event in the near future when you can expect to receive some support. This can help us hang in there when things get bleak.

Seeking Help With Depression

How to Ask For Help | Anxiety and Depression

According to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 7.1% of adults in the US or 17.3 million American adults have experienced at least one episode of major depression in a year. Moreover, the World Health Organization reports that more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression across the world. It is believed that around 15% of all adults are likely to experience depression once in their life. However, 35% of individuals suffering from depression do not receive any treatment.

According to Vineeth John, MD, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Texas Health Science Center, Depression does not come on all at once, so it can be hard for someone with depression to recognize that they need help.

Struggling with depression? Read Ways To Fight Depression: 4 Sure-Fire Things You Can Do Right Now

This is why it is crucial that you reach out for help if you feel depression is making you mentally crippled. But its easier said than done. If you keep thinking about how others might feel or what they might think about you, then you will never be able to get the help you need.

The more you delay telling someone about your depressive condition, the more likely it is that you will never muster the courage to tell someone.

When you tell someone that you need help with depression, they will be concerned about you and will extend a helping hand instead of judging you. That is what loved ones are there for.

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Why We Should Ask For Help

Depression is an isolating illness. Millions of people live with it, yet when were unwell we feel completely alone. We might be ashamed of how were feeling. We might feel we need to hide from world.

Reaching out for help by getting professional support, or by talking to loved ones is a vital step in escaping the isolation of our illness. As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. Even the greatest challenges can be overcome with a support team by our side.

Theres no denying that asking for help with our depression can be difficult. But help is out there, and we deserve support. Other people can help us. We dont need to struggle alone.

Please help us to help others and share this post, you never know who might need it.

When Loneliness And Social Anxiety Are At Odds With One Another

When we are living with social anxiety, it makes socialising really difficult. We might find ourselves feeling very isolated and lonely. Loneliness is damaging to our overall health. Feeling connected and having a sense of belonging are needs we all have. When we have social anxiety and feel lonely, the two can feel at odds with one another with conflicting needs and feelings.

Re-Learning To Socialise When Were Out Of Practice

Take Care Of Yourself

It can be pretty scary and intense to see someone you care about experiencing depression or anxiety. You can be there for your friend, but its equally important to do things that keep you well. By taking care of yourself, youll be in a better place mentally and physically, and this allows you to better support the people around you.

Remember to do the following to make sure your own wellbeing is looked after:

  • Monitor your mood. You might be really worried about your friend, but it’s important that you also monitor your own mood and stress levels. This could include rating your mood out of ten each day, to track how you’re doing.
  • Don’t give up the things you enjoy. Always make sure you’ve got the time to do your favourite things.
  • Make time to relax. Relaxation is great for helping you to unwind and deal with stress.
  • Set boundaries. You arent going to be able to be there for your friend all of the time. Set some limits around what youre willing, and not willing, to do. For example, you might decide not to take any phone calls in the middle of the night, or not to miss social events just because your friend isnt up to going.
  • Ask for support. Its important that youre getting your own emotional support. Talk to people you trust about how youre feeling.

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Mental Health Warning Signs And When To Ask For Help

The signs and symptoms of mental health issues can vary widely in severity and frequency from person to person. Thats why its not always easy to determine if what youre feeling is something situational that may pass on its own, or whether its something persistent that may require professional help.

Its important to know that mental health issues do not need to be serious in order for you to reach out for support. Whatever youre going through, your feelings and experiences are valid and you deserve support. But if you are starting to feel concerned about what you are noticing about your mood or behavior, there are warning signs to watch out forand effective ways to seek help for whatever signs youre seeing.

Considerations And Precautions Of Benzodiazepines For Anxiety

Helping the depressed

Benzodiazepines have potential for abuse and addiction. In some cases they can actually make anxiety and depression worse.

Benzodiazepines work by slowing down the nervous system both mentally and physically. This can have unwanted side effects as motor and cognitive skills are impaired.

Taking these medications with other prescription and recreational drugs can be life threatening and lead to death.

Overdose is possible.

Talk to a doctor about your mental and physical health, as well as your medical history and symptoms to see if this class of medication is right for you.

Donât Miss: Antidepressants For Treatment Resistant Depression

Also Check: Ways To Help People With Depression

We Think We Should Be Able To Handle It Alone

Sometimes we dont ask for help because we feel like depression is something we should be able to deal with alone. We may see our problems as silly or inconsequential. We think we should be able to pull ourselves together and snap out of it. Our illness may tell us we deserve to suffer alone.

But thats simply not the case. Every single one of us is worthy of help, and even the strongest people need support. If we had a physical illness we wouldnt hesitate in getting help from other people. Depression is no different. We cant heal ourselves by denying its existence. We dont need to handle it alone.

Reaching Out Is This Skill Were Somehow Expected To Know Yet Its Never Taught And Rarely Modeled For Us

Itâs this vague, hopeful sentiment that people throw around, without ever really defining it. What are we asking people to do or say? Itâs not exactly clear.

So I want to get more specific. We need to be more specific.

I donât know if an article like this couldâve saved my friend. But what I do know is that we need to normalize asking for help and talk about what that might look like, rather than pretending itâs a simple and intuitive thing to do.

Maybe then, we can reach people sooner. We can meet them more compassionately. And we can find better ways to support them.

So if youâre struggling but you donât know what to say? I get it.

Letâs talk about it.

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We Worry About How People Will React

If we have never spoken to someone about how were feeling before, we often worry about how they will react. We worry about them being angry, upset, or lost for words. We worry that they will feel unable to cope. We worry about the consequences of speaking to someone. We worry about whether they will tell anyone else.

We cant know exactly how a person will react until we tell them. We dont have to tell them everything in one go we could start with the things we find a little easier to talk about and go from there. Whoever we speak to is likely to be someone we trust either a friend or family member we know well, or a professional. They will want whats best for us. So whatever they say, or do, it will be because they care for us and want us to get the help that we need.

Types Of Health Practitioners

How to Help Someone with Depression

Finding a health professional who you can work with may depend on a number of things, including the approach they use and how comfortable you feel with the person.

Not everyone is right for you, and its important to get the right fit. The first health professional you see might not be right. When you first talk to a health professional, it can be useful to ask, How can you help me? or What can you do for me?. If you dont like their answer, or if youre not happy after the first session, you dont have to stay with them. Even though its hard to have to start again, its worth it to find someone who you feel comfortable with. You can always ask your friends if they use someone who they would recommend.

You can check if your health professional is a registered practitioner under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act. Being a registered practitioner means they are recognised and regulated by a professional body.

Your doctor

A visit to your family doctor or general practitioner is often the first step in getting help for physical or mental health problems.

Your doctor can assess your symptoms and talk with you about what might be the best way for you to get treatment. That might mean taking medication, going to talking therapy or referring you to someone else who has specialist knowledge.

Your doctor can also help you work out a self-help programme and keep an eye on your progress along the way

Psychotherapists or counsellors



Recommended Reading: Can You Relapse Into Depression

Can You Make Sure I Get Up In Time

The symptoms of depression are more physical than many of us realise, and a common problem is the need to sleep more than usual.

Worrying about sleeping in for work or GP appointments can be stressful, which can spiral into low mood and feed into the cycle of negative thinking.

So ask someone close to you if they are able to call you or come get you in the morning to make sure you get up on time.

This should help get you into a better sleep pattern and maintain a good routine in general.

Make A Plan For Recognizing A Relapse

When youre in it for the long haul with someone who has depression, its important to understand that depression is a chronic illness with symptoms that can flare up periodically, just like you might expect with physical conditions like heart disease or diabetes.

Knowing and accepting that there will be ups and downs can help mitigate any personal frustration one may experience when dealing with a depressed loved one, Thames say. Family members or loved ones dealing with someone who has depression may want to seek out personal therapy to help them cope and adjust to the person’s mood.

Although depressive episodes can go into remission with proper treatment, the potential for future relapses can take a toll on relationships, says Thienhaus. That makes it important to talk to your loved one when theyre in remission so that together you can form a plan for how to recognize and respond quickly when a relapse is on the horizon.

Recognizing the early signs is important in order to gently intervene, Thienhaus says.

You can also encourage lifestyle habits that may help keep depression at bay, Riba says, such as:

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