Thursday, April 25, 2024

Vitamin B For Depression Dosage

Vitamin B6 Supplements Reduces Anxiety Depression In New Study

Vitamin B12 for Anxiety Relief and Depression!

Participants took about 50 times higher than the recommended daily allowance every day for a month, investigators say

Taking high-dose vitamin B6 tablets has been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, according to the results of a study conducted by University of Reading investigators.

In the study, investigators aimed to measure the impact of high-dose vitamin B6 on young adults. They found that they reported feeling less anxious and depressed after taking the supplements every day for a month.

The study results, published in Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, showed evidence to support the use of supplements to modify levels of activity in the brain to prevent or treat mood disorders.

The functioning of the brain relies on a delicate balance between the excitatory neurons that carry information around and inhibitory ones, which prevent runaway activity. Recent theories have connected mood disorders and some other neuropsychiatric conditions with a disturbance of this balance, often in the direction of raised levels of brain activity, David Field, PhD, from the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading, said in a statement.

Vitamin B6 helps the body produce a specific chemical messenger that inhibits impulses in the brain, and our study links this calming effect with reduced anxiety among the participants, he said.


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For Those Who Pregnant

B vitamins are especially important for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. These vitamins aid in fetal brain development, and they reduce the risk of birth defects.

For people who are expecting, B vitamins may help manage energy levels, ease nausea, and lower the risk of developing preeclampsia.

Visual Contrast Sensitivity And Surround Suppression

Figure shows contrast thresholds without with a suppressive surround masks, comparing the performance of participants supplemented with B6 or B12 for a month prior to the measurements with that of the placebo group. There was a stronger effect of the suppressive surround in the B6 group, reflected in the significant interaction shown in Panel 1 between treatment group and the presence/absence of the surround = 6.58, p = 0.011, p2 = 0.031). Follow up t-tests confirmed that there was a significant difference in the minimum amount of contrast that could be detected between the two groups when the surround was present = 2.31, p = 0.022, d = 0.32), but not when it was absent = 0.22, p = 0.828, d = 0.03).


Panel 1: Vitamin B6 supplementation raised contrast thresholds significantly only in the presence of a suppressive surround Panel 2: Vitamin B12 supplementation resulted a trend towards raised contrast thresholds. Symbols above bars indicate significant differences between baseline and post-test, p < 0.05. Error bars indicate +/ 1 SEM

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People Taking Certain Medications

Commonly prescribed medications can lead to a deficiency in B vitamins.

For example, proton pump inhibitors, which are medications that lower stomach acid, can decrease the absorption of B12, whereas metformin, a popular diabetes drug, can decrease levels of both B12 and folate (


Pregnancy, medical conditions, surgeries, genetics, medications, dietary restrictions, and age can all affect how your body absorbs and uses B vitamins.

While certain conditions make it necessary for some people to supplement with B-complex vitamins, research has shown that taking a B vitamin supplement may be helpful even for people who dont have an increased need for these nutrients.

How To Get More Vitamin B6

Swanson Vitamin B12 500mcg, 100 Capsules

Sapola says food is often the best medicine as it contains a synergistic combination of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and fiber.

By focusing on only one nutrient at a time we are likely missing the symphony that is going on and only focusing on one instrument, she said.

Plant-based sources of vitamin B6, says Sapola, include:

Reed says fortified breakfast cereals can also be good sources of vitamin B6.

Meat sources, says Sapola, include beef, chicken, salmon, tuna, and turkey.

But the key is diversity in the diet, she added.

Make sure to focus on including a variety of different colors of plant-based foods and eat with the seasons, she said. This helps to ensure you are not only optimizing the vitamins and minerals you receive but also the phytonutrients.

Sapola said diet supplementation is best done with a professional who orders lab tests to determine where your current nutrient levels are at and what dosing and formula may be best suited to your health goals.

More is not better when it comes to B vitamin supplementation, she said.

With mild to moderate deficiency, I would encourage a two-fold approach using a B complex supplement that contains around 100% of the DV for each of the B vitamins in addition to increasing the amount of vegetable-forward diverse whole foods that are high in B vitamins that they are consuming, she explained.

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The Facts Behind 5 Supplements

Collagen.Collagen, is one of the most abundant proteins in the body and helps form our skin, bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. As we age, we naturally start reducing its production. Some studies show that taking collagen supplements can reduce signs of aging, increase bone density and improve joint, back and knee pain. But many of these studies are small and funded by the companies behind such products, increasing the opportunity for bias. Certain products also have flaws that reduce the likelihood of their efficacy: Topical creams, for example, are unlikely to make it into the deeper level of the skin where collagen is produced.

Magnesium.Though low levels of magnesium have been associated with various sleep disorders, the evidence for the benefits of taking it for better sleep in supplemental form is thin. In fact, most people already have sufficient levels of the mineral, which helps support immune health, blood sugar regulation, and nerve and muscle function. Magnesium is easy to get in foods including nuts, greens, seeds, beans, yogurt and fish.

Vitamin B6.This essential nutrient is involved in a number of chemical reactions that are important for the proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems. As with the other essential vitamins, the body cannot produce B6 on its own, so you can only get it from foods or supplements. Most healthy adults get more than enough vitamin B6 from their diets alone, so B6 supplements are generally not needed.

Should We All Be Rushing Out To Buy B6 Supplements

Probably not, the experts said. For most healthy adults, the recommended daily intake of vitamin B6 is 1.3 to 1.7 milligrams.

As with the other essential vitamins, the body cannot produce B6 on its own, so you can get it only from foods or supplements. However, most healthy adults get more than enough vitamin B6 from their diets alone, Dr. Tucker said. Its widely available in whole foods, she said, like tuna, salmon, fortified cereals, chickpeas, poultry, dark leafy greens, bananas, oranges, cantaloupe and nuts.

One cup of canned chickpeas, for instance, provides 1.1 milligrams of vitamin B6, while three ounces of roasted chicken breast supplies 0.5 milligrams.

Most dietary supplements also tend to contain more than what you need in a day for some B6 supplements on the market, for example, it can be about 20 to 200 times as much. Taking such high doses of B6 supplements probably wont cause any negative side effects in the short term, Dr. Tucker said, but the National Institutes of Health recommends that adults take no more than 100 milligrams per day. Taking much more than that, about 1,000 milligrams or more each day for long periods of time, could cause weakness, numbness and pain in the hands and feet loss of muscle control and nausea, though most symptoms subside once you stop taking such high doses.

But if youre not deficient, Dr. Tucker added, you probably dont need to take a supplement.

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Vitamin B12 Dosage: What Is The Proper Daily Amount

By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an essential vitamin for humans. Its vital for maintaining energy levels, metabolism, hormone balance, mood, digestion and skin health. But without enough of the nutrient, we can miss out on the many vitamin B12 benefits. In fact, being deficient in B12 can lead to major health issues, from improper growth and development to cognitive impairment. So what the proper vitamin B12 dosage?

Although a balanced diet including a variety of foods will generally supply enough vitamin B12 for most people, supplementation is sometimes necessary for certain age groups and circumstances or for those with underlying health conditions. Thats why its important to know what vitamin B12 dosage is right for your specific needs. How do you find out? Read on to learn all about vitamin B12 dosage recommendations and more.

Reward Yourself: Increase Dopamine

Study: Vitamin B6 may help people who suffer from anxiety, depression

Dopamine can improve motivation and the experience of pleasure and enhance microcirculation in parts of the brain. Read more.

Folate: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals, June 2020.

Benton, D., Griffiths, R., & Haller, J. . Thiamine supplementation mood and cognitive functioning. Psychopharmacology, 129, 6671.

G. Douaud, et al., Preventing Alzheimers disease-related gray matter atrophy by B-vitamin treatment,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, no. 23 : 9523-9528.

J. Walker, et al., Oral folic acid and vitamin B-12 supplementation to prevent cognitive decline in community-dwelling older adults with depressive symptoms–the Beyond Ageing Project: a randomized controlled trial, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 95, no. 1 : 194-203.

Godfrey P, Toone B, Carney M, et al., Enhancement of recovery from psychiatric illness by methylfolate,Lancet, 1990 336: 392-395.

Bell I., Edman J, Morrow F, et al., B complex vitamin patterns in geriatric and young adult inpatients with major depression.J Am Ger So. 1991 39:252-257.

Penninx BW, Guralnik JM, et al. Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Depression in Physically Disabled Older Women: Epidemiologic Evidence from the Womens Health and Aging Study, Am J Psychiatry. 2000 157 : 715-721.


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Daily Recommendations For Vitamin B

Many B-complex supplements contain about 100% of the RDA of each of the eight B vitamins.

However, some contain very high levels of certain B vitamins. Before taking a high-dose supplement, talk with a doctor.

The following are RDAs for each of the B vitamins, in milligrams or micrograms , according to The National Institutes of Health . Older adults may require higher dosages of some B vitamins.

Vitamin B3 or dietary equivalents 16 mg
Vitamin B9 or dietary equivalents 400 mcg

Vitamin B-complex supplements may help with certain health problems. If a person has any of the conditions listed below, they may benefit from taking a supplement that contains B vitamins:

Vitamin B6 Helps The Body Produce A Specific Chemical Messenger That Inhibits Impulses In The Brain

Lead author from the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading, Dr David Field, said: The functioning of the brain relies on a delicate balance between the excitatory neurons that carry information around and inhibitory ones, which prevent runaway activity.

Recent theories have connected mood disorders and some other neuropsychiatric conditions with a disturbance of this balance, often in the direction of raised levels of brain activity.

Vitamin B6 helps the body produce a specific chemical messenger that inhibits impulses in the brain, and our study links this calming effect with reduced anxiety among the participants.

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Best Vitamins For Depression

B vitamins play an important role in helping the brain produce adequate levels of the chemicals required to manage mood and other functions, according to the Mayo Clinic. If someone has low levels of B-vitamins and in particular B-12, they may be more likely to experience symptoms of depression. B-vitamin deficiencies are often seen in people who have depression.

Even without a specific disorder, it can become increasingly difficult for a persons body to absorb enough vitamin B-12 as they age. Depression can often include symptoms of fatigue, and B-vitamins can help combat that. B-12, in particular, is known for being important to reduce fatigue.

Some of the foods that contain high levels of B-12 include fish, lean meats, eggs, poultry and milk. Certain breakfast cereals may be fortified with B-12 as well. B-12 supplementation can help if someone is a vegan or vegetarian or may not be getting enough of the vitamin for any reason.

Other B vitamins for depression, or vitamins that play a role in brain health include:

Does A Lack Of Vitamin B12 Cause Depression

Health First Vitamin B

Though causation has not been established between vitamin B12 deficiency and depression, it has been found to be involved with many neurochemical pathways that potentially lead to this mental health disorder. Multiple studies have linked low vitamin B12 levels with impairedcognitive functioning anddepressive symptoms, which can result from insufficient neurotransmitter production and damaged myelin sheaths.

One longitudinal study in particular, which was based on adults age 50 and older, showed that individuals with low B12 levels had a51% increased risk of depression over four years. Evidence shows thatone out of eight older adults has low vitamin B12 levels, making this a relevant concern for aging adults.

Depressive and Cognitive Symptoms Related to Vitamin B12 Deficiency

  • Fatigue may develop because a deficiency in vitamin B12 results in decreased red blood cell production and insufficient oxygen delivery throughout the body.
  • Mental fogginess and memory problems can develop due to damage in the microstructure of the hippocampus, an essential region of the brain for memory development.
  • Vitamin B12 helps break down homocysteine, a byproduct of amino acid metabolism. Low levels of vitamin B12 are associated withirritability, possibly indicating that high levels of homocysteine can interfere with mood.

Other Risks Related to Cognition and Depression

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Is There A Risk From Taking Too Much

Visual tests at the end of the trial confirmed the raised levels of GABA in participants taking Vitamin B6, supporting the hypothesis that the supplements reduced anxiety.

The team also detected subtle but harmless changes in visual performance, consistent with controlled levels of brain activity. Health officials in the United Kingdom recommend that people do not take too high a dose more than 200mg a day as it can lead to a loss of feeling in the arms and legs. In a few cases, this has become permanent in people who have taken very large doses for several months.

Many foods, including tuna, chickpeas and many fruits and vegetables, contain Vitamin B6. However, the high doses used in this trial suggest that supplements would be necessary to have a positive effect on mood, Dr. Field continues. It is important to acknowledge that this research is at an early stage and the effect of Vitamin B6 on anxiety in our study was quite small compared to what you would expect from medication. However, nutrition-based interventions produce far fewer unpleasant side effects than drugs, and so in the future people might prefer them as an intervention.

The study is published in the journal Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental.

South West News Service writer Danny Halpin contributed to this report.

How Can Vitamin B12 Deficiency Occur

  • Inhibited Intrinsic Factor:Intrinsic factor is a substance produced in the stomach that makes it possible for the body to absorb Vitamin B12. Anautoimmune condition called pernicious anemia creates antibodies that impair intrinsic factor from facilitating absorption. Illness or injury to the digestive system can also interfere withintrinsic factor production, leading to poor vitamin B12 absorption.
  • Low Dietary Intake: Excess vitamin B12 can be stored in the liver for between three-to-five years, but if ones dietary intake does not replenish its supply, symptoms of vitamin deficiency can develop. Vitamin B12 is commonly found inanimal products, such as beef, pork, salmon, liver, dairy products, eggs, salmon, clams, oysters, tuna, and fortified cereals.

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Which B Vitamin May Help Ward Off Depression

While not establishing conclusive evidence, studies have consistently shown how raising vitamin B12 levels can positively impact depression symptoms.

Higher Dietary Vitamin B12 Levels

Research has uncovered associations between healthy eating patterns, including higher dietary levels of vitamin B12, and a lowincidence of depression. Despite an observed relationship, the biochemical mechanisms of eating patterns and their relationship to depression are not well understood.

When taken early in treatment, evidence shows that supplemental vitamin B12 may enhance the impact of antidepressants anddelay depression onset.

Vitamin B12 for Depression: Supplement Dosage

Very high daily doses of vitamin B12, ranging between1000 and 2000 mcg, may effectively restore B12 levels within the body and positively impactdepression symptoms. Even doses as low as 100 mcg are potent enough to positively impact cognition in adults with depressive symptoms. High doses are usually administered via injection to avoid absorption problems, but studies show that oral administration may also be effective.

Vitamin B12 Dosage For Certain Conditions

Vitamin B6 Supplements In High Doses Can Calm Anxiety, Depression

Certain health conditions increase the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. This is usually an issue of malabsorption or taking medications that interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12. Sometimes, dietary changes are needed to ensure that people with certain conditions consume enough vitamin B12, and other times a B12 supplement is recommended.

Fatigue: People with a B12 deficiency may experience fatigue or lack of energy. Research shows that to correct a deficiency, taking one milligram daily for one month is effective. This can be followed by a maintenance dose of 125250 micrograms per day.

Depression: Research shows that patients with major depression have low folate and vitamin B12 status. According to a review published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, oral doses of 800 micrograms of folic acid and one milligram of vitamin B12 daily may help improve treatment outcomes for depression.

Gastrointestinal issues: People with gastrointestinal disorders, like Crohns disease and celiac disease, may have issues absorbing vitamin B12 from food. People who have had gastrointestinal surgery may also have problems absorbing vitamin B12 from foods. Patients with gastrointestinal issues may receive one-milligram doses of vitamin B12, in either injection or oral forms.

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